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Outreach Ministries

~Education Ministries~
"The knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process."

Saints Tabernacle Pre-school
Saints Tabernacle Academy (K-6)
Saints Tabernacle OST Program
Larry and Cynthia Dobson Scholarship Fund

~Edification Ministries~
"Intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement; enlightenment."

Family Life Wholeness Center, Inc.
Enrichment Programs
Seminars and Workshops
STARS Program

~Exhortation Ministries~
"A speech or discourse that encourages, incites, or earnestly advises."

Men's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Cell Ministries

~Exaltation Ministries~
"The act of exalting or raising high."
Worship and Praise Team

Children's Ministry
Ministry of Music

~Evangelism Ministries~

"Zealous preaching and dissemination of the gospel, as through missionary work."  

E.L.I.M. (Eternal Life International Ministries) International missions and ministries.


Our Philosophy

"The expressed aim of the ministry is to preach, spread and promote the gospel of the Yahweh by proclaiming the Scriptures. Saints Tabernacle seeks to build, as well as strengthen community and family life through worship services, retreats, spiritual counseling for individuals, couples and families."

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